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Good to know: We are a Claims Management Company (CMC). You do not need to use a CMC to make your complaint to your lender, bank, pension provider or intermediary. If your complaint is not successful you can refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service or the Pension Ombudsman yourself for free if the firm is still trading. For eligible failed firms, you can refer a claim to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme for free.

0345 544 1563


We are an experienced but modern Claims Management Company based in the northwest of England, with a national customer base. We’ve processed over 150,000 claim applications.

Over the years, we have built a reputation for strong customer service and having professional and friendly staff.

At the heart of our business is the belief that Claims Management Companies play a fundamental role in raising consumer awareness of mis-selling and acting for consumers who want professional assistance.  However, this is counterbalanced by a sentiment that a Claims Management Company should respect privacy and never be intrusive. For this reason, we have a strict philosophy of only working with ethical and regulatory complaint introducers who adhere to passive advertising techniques.

We offer a generous revenue sharing model, tethered to cutting edge API integrations and dashboard reporting platforms. We can provide plug in application forms for deep integration with third party sites.  We add value to our partners by ensuring claims are progressed promptly by well trained staff dedicated to subprime lending claims.

What we do

  • Payday loan claim lead processing
  • Doorstep loan claim lead processing
  • Guarantor loan claim lead processing
  • High cost (bad credit) claim lead processing
  • Unaffordable credit claim lead processing (new niches)

We can further offer a processing / white-labelled outsourced lead processing service for your claims management company.

For more information please contact us at

Claiming for Free Yourself

Good to know: We are a Claims Management Company (CMC). You do not need to use a CMC to make your complaint to your lender, bank, pension provider or intermediary. If your complaint is not successful you can refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service or the Pension Ombudsman yourself for free if the firm is still trading. For eligible failed firms, you can refer a claim to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme for free.