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Good to know: We are a Claims Management Company (CMC). You do not need to use a CMC to make your complaint to your lender, bank, pension provider or intermediary. If your complaint is not successful you can refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service or the Pension Ombudsman yourself for free if the firm is still trading. For eligible failed firms, you can refer a claim to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme for free.

0345 544 1563

Why Charity Matters to Us

Allegiant is proud to provide access to financial justice for our customers, and we are delighted each and every time we help to put things right. Many of our customers tell us they have experienced stress and worry as a result of financial mis-selling, as well as significant financial difficulty and even poverty.

For Allegiant, our service is not just about representing claims: it’s about helping our customers.

What We Are Doing To Help

Previously, Allegiant has supported the mental health charity Mind through donations and fundraisers, as well as raising awareness of the strong link between poverty and mental health.

Currently, Allegiant is supporting two very worthy charities: Helping Hands and Room at the Inn/The Y Project. Our support includes donations, fundraisers and volunteering, as well as raising awareness of the great work that they do.

Helping Hands

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Helping Hands Changing Lives CIC started in March 2020 in response to the outbreak of Covid 19. They provided small bags of shopping to those in need within the community. As people were losing their jobs the need for support increased, and that need did not disappear as the country faced further lockdowns and more recently the cost of living crisis. Helping Hands currently deliver weekly food parcels to 40-50 families, hence their need for regular fundraising/donations.

More recently they have introduced ‘warm hubs’ twice a week where anyone can attend to have a hot meal and socialise in a safe warm environment. The hope is that this will reduce the energy they use at home and also improve their mental health and social skills. They regularly see 40+ people at each session and the numbers are rising.

They also arrange and subsidise day trips for low income families, allowing some to experience their first trip to the seaside. They arrange and fund family parties for Halloween and Christmas, and the Queen’s Jubilee in 2022 saw them provide 500 afternoon teas!!

They are currently based within school premises which has been kindly offered to them, and they aim to have their own premises and a minibus within the next 3-5 years.

Any funds they are fortunate enough to receive are used to continue this work and develop new projects going forward.

Room at the Inn / The Y Project

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Room at the Inn is a registered charity, established in 2010, as they identified a need for emergency accommodation to try to prevent people sleeping rough and to create intervention as early as possible. The accommodation initially provided 10 spaces each night, and they now provide a 22 bed emergency accommodation unit.

Later in 2010 they created a Daytime Service (The Y Project) which is a base to drop into to assist the homeless with difficulties they may be experiencing. They provide access to a shower, clothes washing facilities, hot food and drink, and items such as sleeping bags. Crucially, they assist people who are homeless or isolated, to gain confidence and have access to practical help, support, information and opportunities to improve their quality of life. This also includes help accessing local services and food bank vouchers, and support with applications.

Their ethos is to help people to access the services they need to go forward with their lives. Their dedicated staff and volunteers support people through very difficult times and help them to find a better future. This is because they recognise that not everyone, without help, will be able to move forward because of the challenges that they have.

They firmly believe that the work they do is important and worthwhile and we couldn’t agree more.

Our Charity Committee here at Allegiant is passionate about working with charities where the people they support are at the heart of everything they do. During a recent visit to Helping Hands and Room at the Inn/The Y Project it was clear to us what a great job they are doing within the community and how vital it is that they receive support to enable them to continue this.

Claiming for Free Yourself

Good to know: We are a Claims Management Company (CMC). You do not need to use a CMC to make your complaint to your lender, bank, pension provider or intermediary. If your complaint is not successful you can refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service or the Pension Ombudsman yourself for free if the firm is still trading. For eligible failed firms, you can refer a claim to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme for free.