Site icon Allegiant Finance Services Ltd.

Who are Allegiant? 5 ways to find out…

We are Allegiant Finance. We’re a UK-based Claims Management Company. If you have never used our services before, here are 5 simple ways to research us.


Allegiant Finance is on the Financial Conduct Authority’s Financial Services Register:

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is the primary regulator of the financial services industry in the United Kingdom.


Like with other businesses in the UK, Allegiant’s details can be searched for on Companies House:

Allegiant was incorporated on 21 December 2010 and has a registered office: 400 Chadwick House Warrington Road, Birchwood Park, Birchwood, Warrington, Cheshire, England, WA3 6AE.


You can find us on social media, where charities and other businesses have tagged or interacted with us.


Allegiant’s Managing Director, Jemma Marshall, has previously been quoted in a press article on payday loans:

Allegiant have also been featured in the Daily Mail online:


Allegiant Finance are a Claims Management Company currently operating in the UK. We stay in close contact with the Financial Ombudsman Service, and Allegiant was invited to participate in an independent periodic review in 2021:

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